
Saturday, January 26, 2019

Study Guide Bnc1

Chapter 13, personnel and governing Learning Objectives 1. Define antecedent and contrast leadership and world male monarch. 2. Contrast the five bases of top executive. 3. Explain the role of colony in former relationships. 4. Identify nine power or act upon tactics and their contingencies. 5. Show the connection between versed anguish and the shout of power. 6. Identify the causes and consequences of semipolitical behavior. 7. Apply impression management techniques. 8. Determine whether a political action is ethical. Chapter 13, Power and Politics segment Outlines I.Power is the capacity that A has to work out the behavior of B, so that B acts in accordance with As wishes. A. Definition of power the ability to influence the behavior of others. 1. likely 2. Dependency B s relationship to A when A possesses something that B requires. B. Contrasting leadership and power. 1. Leaders use power as a means of attaining group goals. 2. Power does not require goal compatib ility, yet relies on dependency. 3. While leadership focuses on the downward influence of ones followers, power also deals with lateral and upward influence. II. Bases of powerA. Formal power = base on an individuals position in an organization. 1. Coercive power A power base that is aquiline on fear of the negative leave alones from helplessness to comply such as agreeling by force of grassroots physiological or safety needs. 2. Reward power conformity achieved ground on the ability to distribute rewards that others view as valuable. 3. legitimatize (formal authority) power The power a person receives as a result of his or her position in the formal hierarchy of an organization. B. Personal power = shape derived from an individuals characteristics. 1.Expert power Influence found on picky skills or knowledge. 2. Referent power Influence based on naming with a person who has desirable resources or individualized traits. C. Dependency The account to Power 1. General d ependency postulate The greater B s dependence on A, the more power A has over B. 2. Factors creating dependency a. Importance think of technology engineers of Gettyimages b. Scarcity think of Ferruccio Lamborghini he memorized the manual of arms and destroyed it. c. Nonsubstitutability the fewer viable substitutes for a resource, the more power control over that resource provides. III.Power Tactics Ways in which individuals translate power bases into specific actions. Rational persuasion, inspirational appeals, and consultation tend to be the more or less effective, especi eachy when the audience is highly interested in the outcomes of a finality process. A. Legitimacy Relying on your authority position or saying a request accords with organizational policies or rules. B. Rational persuasion Presenting logical arguments and genuine evidence to demonstrate a request is reasonable. C. Inspirational appeals Developing unrestrained commitment by appealing to a leads values, nee ds, hopes, and aspirations.D. point of reference Increasing the targets support by involving him or her in deciding how you will accomplish your plan. E. Exchange Rewarding the target with benefits or favors in exchange for following a request. F. Personal appeals Asking for entry based on friendship or loyalty. G. Ingratiation use flattery, praise, or friendly behavior prior to making a request. H. Pressure Using warnings, repeated demands, and threats. I. Coalitions Enlisting the aid or support of others to persuade the target to agree. J. policy-making Skill The ability to influence others in such a counsel as to enhance ones objective.IV. Sexual curse Unequal Power in the Workplace A. each unwanted military action of a sexual nature that affects an individuals employment and creates a hostile work environment. B. Sexual harassment negatively affects job attitudes and leads those who look harassed to withdraw from the organization. C. Some ways managers brush off protec t themselves and their employees from sexual harassment 1. Make sure an active policy defines what constitutes sexual harassment, asserts employees they muckle be fired for sexually harassing another employee, and establishes procedures for making complaints. 2.Reassure employees they will not encounter retaliation if they file a complaint. 3. Investigate every complaint, and inform the legal and human resource de weakenments. 4. Make sure offenders are train or terminated. 5. Set up in-house seminars to raise employee awareness of sexual harassment issues. V. Politics Power in Action A. Definition of Organizational Politics 1. Political behavior, in organization, consists of activities that are not required as part of an individuals formal role but that influence, or flak to influence, the distribution of advantages and disadvantages within the organization. . Legitimate political power b. Illegitimate political power VI. Causes and Consequences of Political Behavior A. Factor s contributing to political behavior 1. individual factors 2. Organizational factors B. How do people respond to organizational politics? 1. fall job satisfaction 2. Increased anxiety and stress 3. Increased dollar volume 4. Reduced proceeding VII. Impression management VIII. The Ethics of Behaving Politically Chapter 13, Power and Politics Key Terms Power- A capacity that A has to influence the behavior of B so that B acts in accordance with As wishes. Dependence B s relationship to A when A possesses something that B requires. Coercive Power A power base that is dependent on fear of the negative results from failing to comply. Reward power Compliance achieved based on the ability to distribute rewards that others view as valuable. Legitimate power The power a person receives as a result of his or her position in the formal hierarchy of an organization. Personal power Influence derived from an individuals characteristics. Expert power Influence based on special skills or knowledge. Referent power Influence based on identification with a person who has desirable esources or personal traits. Power tactics Ways in which individuals translate power bases into specifics actions. Political skill The ability to influence others in such a way as to enhance ones objectives. Sexual Harassment Any unwanted activity of a sexual nature that affects an individuals employment and creates a hostile work environment. Political behavior Activities that are not required as part of a persons formal role in the organization but that influence, or judge to influence, the distribution of advantages and disadvantages within the organization. Impression Management (IM) The process by which individuals take in charge to control the impression others form of them. Defensive behaviors Reactive and proactive behaviors to vitiate action, blame, or change Chapter 17, Human Resources Policies and Procedures Learning Objectives 1. Define initial selection, and spot the most utilitarian manners. 2. Define substantive selection, and identify the most useful methods. 3. Define contingent selection, and contrast the arguments for and against dose testing. 4. Compare the four main types of rearing. 5. Contrast formal and informal grooming methods. 6.Contrast on-the-job and off-the-job training. 7. Describe the purposes of mathematical process evaluation and list the methods by which it can be done. 8. Show how managers can improve slaying evaluations. 9. Describe how organizations can manage work-family conflicts. Chapter 17, Human Resources Policies and Procedures Section Outlines I. Selection Process A. Initial selection are the first tuition appliers submit and are used for preliminary rough cuts to decide whether the applicant meets the basic qualifications for a job. 1. Application forms including letters of recommendation 2. Background checks B. all important(p) selection 1.Written tests 2. Performance-simulations tests a. Work sampl e tests Hands-on simulations of part or all of the work that applicants for routine jobs must perform. b. Assessment centers A set of performance-simulation tests intentional to evaluate a candidates managerial potential. 3. Interviews have a disproportionate amount of influence on employee selection decisions. a. In increment to evaluating specific, job-related skills, managers are looking at personality characteristics and personal values to detect individuals who fit the organizations culture and image. C. Contingent selection 1. medicate test is a common contingent selection method. . Argument against drug testing Drug is a private matter. II. Training and Development Programs A. Types of training 1. Basic literacy skills 2. Technical skills has become increasingly important in organizations. 3. social skills 4. Problem-solving skills 5. Ethics training B. Training methods 1. Formal training a. Types of formal training 1. On-the-job training (i)job rotation (ii)apprenticesh ip (iii)understudy assignments (iv)formal mentoring programs 2. Off-the-job training (i)classroom lectures (ii)internet courses is most likely to be the fastest growing training. (iii)public seminars (iv)videotapes 3.E-training b. single(a)izing formal training to fit the employees larn style c. Evaluating effectiveness 2. Informal training III. Performance Appraisal A. Purposes of performance evaluation 1. Helps managers make human resource decisions 2. Assists in identifying training and development needs 3. Provides a criterion against which management validates selection and development programs 4. Provides feedback on employees 5. Basis for reward allocations determine promotions, B. What do we evaluate? 1. Individual assign outcomes 2. Behaviors 3. Traits least predictive set of criteria used to evaluate employees. C.Who should do the evaluating? 1. speedy superior 2. Peers 3. Self-evaluation a. Lead to employees rating themselves highly b. Make excellent vehicles for t ouch job performance discussions between employees and their superiors c. Often low in parallelism with superiors rating d. Tend to be biased estimates 4. Immediate subordinates 5. 360-degree evaluation is to jackpot feedback from all the employees customers or provide performances feedback from the full circle of day by day contacts that an employee might have, ranging from mailroom personnel to customers to bosses to peers. D. Methods of performance evaluation 1.Written essays does not require no complex forms or extensive training to complete. 2. Critical incidents the evaluation method that focuses the evaluators attention on those behaviors that are key to execution a job effectively. 3. Graphic rating scales consider their usability in three-figure analysis 4. Behaviorally anchored rating scales (BARS) When an appraiser rates employees based on items on a continuum with the points reflecting actual behaviors on a given job 5. constrained comparisons a. Group order rank ing requires the evaluator to place employees into a especial(a) classification, such as top one-fifth or second one-fifth. . Individual ranking is an approach to performance evaluation rank-orders employees from best to worst. E. Suggestions for improving performance evaluations 1. Use multiple evaluators 2. Evaluate selectively 3. Train evaluators 4. Provide employees with collectible process F. Providing performance feedback 1. The human resources department is not supportive of the feedback process. IV. Managing variety in Organizations A. Work-life conflicts B. Diversity training V. Global Issues A. Selection B. Performance evaluations

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